Vegetables: Grow Health and Flavor in Your Garden
Vegetables are essential plants for the garden of anyone who wants to grow fresh and nutritious ingredients directly at home. This category includes a wide range of species, such as tomatoes, zucchini, lettuces, carrots, and many other varieties, each with specific characteristics to suit every season and taste. Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, precious elements for a healthy and balanced diet, contributing to the prevention of numerous diseases and general well-being.
In this section, you will find practical solutions to solve the most common vegetable plant problems, such as pests, fungal diseases, nutritional deficiencies and specific tips for soil care, irrigation and fertilization. We offer targeted products and technical tips to achieve healthy and abundant harvests, minimizing stress for plants.
Whether you're looking to grow vegetables or improve the health and productivity of your vegetable garden, this page is a comprehensive resource: you'll find everything you need to take care of your plants, for a vegetable garden that's always lush and productive, season after season.
15 articles in the categorie Vegetables
What to Plant in November: A Guide to Autumn Crops
Published : 2024-11-07 17:27:12 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesIndex Types of crops to plant in NovemberPlanting and protection techniques for NovemberAutumn Crop NutritionAutumn Crop Protection: Pathologies and SolutionsFAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) On [...]
What can you grow in November?
Published : 2024-11-05 18:59:50 | Categories : Chronology , Hobbies and insights , VegetablesIndex 1. Vegetables2. Legumes3. Bulb and Tuber Plants4. Herbs5. Fruit Plants6. Green manure and cover cropsNovember Growing TipsFAQ on November Crops In November, late autumn and cooler t [...]
Eggplant cultivation techniques
Published : 2024-10-31 12:06:08 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesIndex Climate requirements and soil preparationEggplant intervention programCultivation techniquesMost common pathologiesHow to manage eggplant pestsFAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about [...]
Broccoli - turnip greens cultivation
Published : 2024-10-08 14:04:12 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesIndex IntroductionPlant characteristicsThe climateThe terrainSowing or transplantingDiseases and pestsThe collectionFAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about turnip greens - BroccoliIntroductionThe [...]
The Doryphora and the Plants It Attacks: A Danger to Agricultural Crops
Published : 2024-09-23 10:03:32 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesIndex The Main Plants Attacked by the DoryphoraDamage Caused by the DoriforaControl and Prevention MethodsHow to Protect Vegetables from the Doryphora: Effective Treatments and StrategiesThe [...]
Fight against moth larvae with Bacillus Thuringiensis
Published : 2024-09-19 14:17:43 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesFight against moth larvae with Bacillus Thuringiensis
How to fight Popillia Japonica?
Published : 2024-02-01 17:22:12 | Categories : Chronology , Ornamental , Stone fruit , Turf , VegetablesPopillia Japonica Newman (Coleoptera Rutelidae) is a voracious beetle belonging to the beetle family. It is a polyphagous insect and newly introduced. Its first appearance in Italy, in fact, [...]
How to fight vegetable viruses
Published : 2023-09-21 12:11:51 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesVegetable virosis: how to make the plant resistant and eliminate vectors
How to fight potato dorichora?
Published : 2023-06-16 15:23:54 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesIn this article we will talk about the potato beetle: a beetle that causes serious damage to both its larval and adult state. Here's how to fight it
The cultivation of organic potatoes
Published : 2022-08-08 16:17:37 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesThe necessary practices for growing potatoes : Soil preparationBottom fertilizationSowing and disinfestationTampingDefense against fungi and insects**Tillage and preparation of the se [...]
Tuta absoluta or Tomato moth remedies and insecticides
Published : 2022-06-13 09:50:53 | Categories : Chronology , VegetablesIndex The insect: description and biological cycleDirect and indirect damage caused by the absoluta suitTuta absoluta and Yellow Noctua: differences and similarities between the two [...]
How to use beneficial insects in organic farming
Published : 2022-04-27 17:53:24 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruits , VegetablesIndex List of beneficial insects Biological control with antagonistic insects Zero residue solutions Guide to the use of beneficial insects: from professional agriculture to the home [...]