Citrus Fruits: Mediterranean Plants Packed With Benefits
Citrus fruits are plants that thrive in warm, sunny climates, such as the Mediterranean, and include highly prized varieties such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, and grapefruits. Not only do these plants bring vibrant colors and freshness to gardens, but they also offer numerous health benefits thanks to their high content of vitamin C, antioxidants, and essential oils with antibacterial and digestive properties. Citrus fruits, in fact, strengthen the immune system, promote digestion and are excellent for skin care.
On this page, you will find practical solutions to solve the most common problems related to citrus cultivation, such as nutritional deficiencies, pests, fungal diseases and problems due to inadequate irrigation and fertilization. You will be able to discover specific products to protect and nourish your plants, improving the quality and productivity of the fruit.
For those who grow citrus fruits or want to enrich their green space with these plants, this section is a complete and reliable resource: here you will find answers, advice and suggestions for every need.
32 articles in the categorie Citrus fruits
How to Prune Plants
Published : 2024-11-04 16:50:48 | Categories : Actinidia (Kiwi) , Chronology , Citrus fruits , Olive tree , Screw , Stone fruitIndexIntroductionImportance of PruningTypes of PruningPruning TechniquesBenefits of PruningFAQ (frequently asked questions) on PruningIntroductionLapruningis a fundamental practice in the world [...]
Gummy Cancer (Cytospora spp.): Causes, Symptoms and Control Strategies
Published : 2024-10-07 11:02:27 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruits , Screw , Stone fruitIndex What is Gummy CancerLife Cycle of the MushroomGummy Cancer SymptomsFactors That Promote InfectionControl and Management of Gummy CancerGummy Cancer FAQ (Frequently Asked [...]
Strong red Citrus cochineal or California red Aonidiella aurantii
Published : 2024-10-05 10:07:39 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruitsIndex Damage caused by strong red cochinealLife cycle of strong red cochinealWinter treatmentMonitoring and control during the growing seasonSexual confusionUseful Insects against Cochineal for [...]
How to eliminate Sooty Mold from Citrus Fruits
Published : 2024-10-02 18:23:16 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruitsIn this article you will find a guide on how to effectively eliminate citrus sooty mold and how to intervene on stubborn sooty mold
The damage of lemon due to cochineal
Published : 2024-09-20 10:26:50 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruitsIndex Cochineal: a dangerous parasiteDamage to the lemon caused by cochinealPrevention and control of cochinealLemon (Citrus limon) is one of the most cultivated plants in the Mediterranean [...]
Citrus Bacterial Cancer (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri)
Published : 2024-09-20 08:16:32 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruitsIndex Characteristics of the pathogenSymptoms of Bacterial CancerLife cycle of the bacteriumPrevention and Control MethodsEconomic Impact of Bacterial Cancer Citrus bacterial canker, ca [...]
Ferric chlorosis in citrus fruits: causes, symptoms and solutions
Published : 2024-09-17 16:43:02 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruitsIndex What is ferric chlorosis?Causes of Ferric Chlorosis in Citrus FruitsSymptoms of Ferric ChlorosisHow to prevent and treat ferric chlorosis in citrus fruits Ferric chlorosis is a common con [...]
The 10 most common parasitoses among plants
Published : 2024-09-14 10:00:35 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruits , Olive tree , Ornamental , Screw , Stone fruit , Turf , VegetablesIndex 1. Aphids (Aphidoidea)2. Nematodes (Nematode)3. Powdery mildew (Erysiphe spp.)4. Downy mildew (Phytophthora infestans)5. Cochineal (Coccoidea)6. Moth (Tuta absoluta)7. Fusarium (Fusarium [...]
Allupatura on CITRUS Prevention and Effective Treatments
Published : 2024-09-10 09:27:29 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruitsHow to remedy/prevent Allupatura on CITRUS FRUITS
Fight against the Mealybug of citrus fruits Planococcus citri
Published : 2024-06-28 10:02:45 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruitsIndex 1) Cottony mealybug: how to recognize it 2) What are the harms of cottony cochineal? 3) Strategies of controlThe presence of cottony mealybugs (Planococcus Citri) is found by the tr [...]
Fruit fly Ceratitis Capitata Bio remedies
Published : 2024-06-19 09:32:22 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruits , Stone fruitWhether it's the front garden or the large intensive plot, CeraTrap® is the only effective 100% organic solution for Ceratitis capitata.
What is Citrus Dry Disease?
Published : 2024-06-06 10:22:57 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruitsDry Disease is a disease due to the Phoma Tracheiphila fungus. The lemon is the plant that suffers the most damage. However, cedar, bitter orange, and lime can also be affected