Stone Fruit: Tasty Fruits and Resistant Plants for Every Garden
Stone fruits are fruit plants that include trees such as peach, apricot, cherry, and plum trees, which are famous for their juicy, unique-seeded fruits. These trees are prized not only for their sweet and nutritious fruits, which are rich in vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and fiber, but also for the beauty they add to any garden due to their spectacular blooming. Growing stone fruits offers health benefits, such as supporting the immune system, protecting eyesight, and promoting gut health.
On this page, you'll find all the solutions to address the most common stone fruit problems, including pests, fungal diseases, and tips for optimal irrigation and fertilization management. We offer specific products and tips for each stage of growth, ensuring healthy plants and bountiful yields.
Whether you're an experienced grower or a gardening enthusiast, in this section you'll find all the information and products you need to keep your stone fruits at peak health and productivity.
15 articles in the categorie Stone fruit
Stone Fruit Treatments in Autumn: Complete Guide to Pre-Hair Loss Nutrition
Published : 2024-09-12 17:36:09 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitIndex Why is the treatment of drupadeas important in autumn?Pre-Leaf Fall Foliar Treatment: Bud NutritionAutumn Fertigation for Stone Fruit Autumn is the ideal time to perform nouri [...]
Fruit fly Ceratitis Capitata Bio remedies
Published : 2024-06-19 09:32:22 | Categories : Chronology , Citrus fruits , Stone fruitWhether it's the front garden or the large intensive plot, CeraTrap® is the only effective 100% organic solution for Ceratitis capitata.
How to fight Popillia Japonica?
Published : 2024-02-01 17:22:12 | Categories : Chronology , Ornamental , Stone fruit , Turf , VegetablesPopillia Japonica Newman (Coleoptera Rutelidae) is a voracious beetle belonging to the beetle family. It is a polyphagous insect and newly introduced. Its first appearance in Italy, in fact, [...]
How to Recognize and Treat Corineum, Rust and Bacteriosis in Stone Fruits
Published : 2023-12-30 11:57:51 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitIs your plant affected by bacteriosis, rust or corineo? In this article, we will explain how to recognize a plant affected by these diseases.
Plum Tree Program Treatments and fertilizations
Published : 2023-10-18 11:20:49 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitPlum treatment calendar
Winter fertilization of DRUPACEAE
Published : 2023-09-29 10:09:44 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitTips for winter fertilization of DRUPACEAE to be carried out in January
Monilia: how to fight stone fruit Monilliosis
Published : 2023-09-23 11:52:16 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitHow to fight Moniliosis? Fight strategies
Spring treatments on cherry trees
Published : 2023-03-13 16:27:17 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitHow to treat cherry trees in spring?Below are the eras that we will see in this article.Index MarchBreaking gemsPinafore1. MarchThe fertilization on cherry trees proposed in the previous period, [...]
Peach Bubble Remedies and Treatments
Published : 2022-12-28 18:58:29 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitIndex Peach bubble when to treatPeach bubble treatments: conventional managementWhat to do for the peach bubble in organic farmingThe peach bubble: how to cure itOf all the e [...]
How to get rid of stone fruit / Pome fruit capnode
Published : 2022-08-29 16:25:42 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitFight against stone fruit capnodionIndex How to fight the stone fruit capnodeChemical control against capnode adultsFight against capnode larvaeTips for the effectiveness of nematodes1. How to [...]
Apricot treatment calendar
Published : 2022-04-01 13:04:25 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitIndex Professional programAfter harvest July - AugustApricot winter treatmentsApricot Spring TreatmentsApricot treatments after harvestingHobbyist programFrom autumn to the end of March After fl [...]
How to fight the stone fruit leafhopper
Published : 2020-07-08 18:12:00 | Categories : Chronology , Stone fruitIndex July-AugustFirst step: we know our enemySecond step: How to recognize the cyanin attack of stone fruitsWhy fight the stone fruit leafhopper?How to fight the leafhopper?Crumpled, yellowed [...]